Articles from 2014 – 2016

The Intersection of Faith and Civic Duty
This priest has a message of supreme importance, relevant for all Christians in America at this most critical hour.

Inkle Loom Pattern Generator Has New Features!
The pattern generator now allows you to save designs.

Relevant and Impactful
What does it mean for the Church of God to be salt and light in the world in which we live?

Just One Hour
Would you be willing to spend just one hour in prayer each day as we face a critical time for our nation?

Back to School!
September is back to school month! Will you help an underprivileged child receive an education?

Love and Hope
What gets you through the most difficult times in your life? And what are some ways that you can bring love and hope into the lives of others?

Why Are We Here?
Have you ever wondered why we're here? What is the purpose and significance of our lives? And what can we do that will have lasting value?

August is Farm Animals Month!
Would you consider donating one or more animals to bless a poor family this month?

Psalm 1: Alliterative Paraphrase
The first Psalm paraphrased to conform to the style of Old English alliterative verse.

Shang Di
A Chinese pastor shows how the God of the Bible is not just a “Western” god, but the God of the Chinese people, and indeed, the Lord of all the Earth.

Giving Tree
The Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem bears a different kind of fruit each month. How might we do the same?

Batman vs. Superman and the Question About God
Can an all-powerful God be all-good? The film poses this question, but does not attempt to answer it. Yet it's an important question that deserves an answer.

The Blessing of the Lord vs. the Wealth of the Wicked
Our country is filled with people whose primary concern is to acquire and retain wealth, most often at the expense of others. When our lives intersect with theirs, it's good to remember what the Bible has to say about such matters.

Handmade Journal: Step By Step
Instructions on how to make your own journal.

The Law of Love
What does the law of Moses teach us about God's heart, and how we can walk in love for one another?
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
— James 1:2-4