Just One Hour

Our lives are so busy we often run ourselves to the point of exhaustion, and find little or no time to spend in God's presence or pray about important matters. The disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane didn't realize that they were at the verge of the most critical hour in history. If they had, might they not have been able to stay awake to pray with Jesus for just one hour?
We are presently at a crucial time in American history. We face a presidential election in just a few weeks that could have monumental significance. Here are just a few things that are at stake:
- Freedom of Speech More and more we are seeing media outlets censor content that contradicts their political agenda, spinning lies and hiding the truth from the public. People are discouraged from speaking openly under the false guise of political correctness, and we even have a presidential candidate who asserts that conservative media has no right to exist, and threatens to destroy media outlets that promote opposing views.
- Freedom of Religion Americans face an administration that wants to censor and shut down people of faith, particularly Christians, and to force Christians and religious institutions to comply with political agendas that violate their moral principles.
- Freedom of Assembly Evidence has been revealed showing that the dominant political party has paid rioters to engage in violent protests of their opposition.
- The Right to Bear Arms The founding fathers of this nation knew that a free people must be able to defend themselves against tyranny. We face an administration that wants to trample our Constitutional rights underfoot, and strip people of their defense.
- National Security America faces increasing terrorist threats like never before, both foreign and domestic, and we need a strong defense and immigration policy to meet these challenges.
- The American Economy America is staggering under a $19 trillion national debt. We are in the midst of the slowest economic recovery since the great depression, and millions more Americans are living in poverty today than there were just 8 years ago. We need a leader who knows how to responsibly manage financial matters, who will reduce this debt, and grow our economy by cutting taxes, producing jobs, and negotiating favorable trade agreements.
- Government Corruption The level of corruption we are seeing in our government is unprecedented. Politicians are taking huge donations in exchange for ambassadorial appointments and other favors, and high-profile criminals who destroy evidence after receiving a federal subpoena and who lie to Congress and the FBI are not prosecuted. We desperately need to elect a leader who will oppose corruption and is not beholden to foreign governments, big dollar donors and special interests.
Would you be willing to pray for just an hour a day from now until the election? When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He said, Our Father... May Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. We know that God loves righteousness and justice, and that He despises corruption. Please pray that God's righteousness and justice will prevail in our country, that He will bring an end to corruption, bring judgment on the wicked, and that He will establish a righteous leader for our nation who will uphold the Constitution, protect our nation, and heal our economy.
We face a critical time in American history. Will you not pray for just one hour?