Shîre Script

Shîre Script combînes an uncíal-stŷle fônt with dîacritical mârks bôrrówed from Carógíne.

Lông Voŵels and Diphthôngs

Ùse a dîacritical mârk with the fôllówing soûnds. When î fôllóws é, plāce the mârk óver the î. Otherwîse, when móre than one voŵel is ùsed tò pródùce the soûnd, plāce the mârk óver the first letter.

Sound IPA Examples
âh /ɑ/, /ɔ/ fâther âutumn drâw êncore ôften côugh knôwledge
âre /ɑr/ stâr hêart
ey /e/, /eɪ/ āble māin bāy thēy brēak eīght
ee /i/ éven téam kéep receíve pízza fíeld quicklý
ear /ɪər/ cléar shéer mírror tíer
óh /o/, /oʊ/ ópen bóat tóe sóul snów sẽw bẽau
ói /ɔɪ/ óil jóy
ór /ɔr/ ór sóar dóor sóurce wár
òoh /u/ dò shòe bòot gròup flùte trùe frùit fèw bèautiful
òor /ʊər/ lùre mòor tòur

Fór the diphthông “eŷe”, plāce the mârk óver î or ŷ.

Sound IPA Examples
eŷe /aɪ/ Î lîfe aîsle heîght trŷ aŷe eŷe buŷ

Fór the diphthông “oŵ”, plāce the mârk óver ù or w.

Sound IPA Examples
/aʊ/ soûnd hoŵ

Shórt Voŵels

Apârt from dôtting the î’s, mârking shórt voŵels is ôptional. If yòu dò chòose tò mârk the shórt voŵels, mârk ónlý the stressed syllable of multi-syllable words.

IPA Examples
/æ/ äfter
/ær/ ärrow
/ɛ/ ěver ǎny
/ɛər/ scǎrý ǎirship wěrewolf
/ɪ/ sÿllabus
/ɜr/ fėrvent ėarthworm wǒrthy ǔrgent
/ə/ öven ünder
/ʊ/ cõokie pũdding

This font is still missing numbers and some punctuation; when it's complete, I'll add a link here so you can download it.

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Even now my witness is in heaven;
my advocate is on high.
— Job 16:19