Rain, Cats, Tea


awakened, in no particular hurry
the house is quiet and still
four happy warm cats
snuggle among the bedding
the sky is pale
raindrops hang from the wire
like a string of pearls, glistening
thank you for this moment
...all i have

throw off the noisy dream
distracted with aimless activity
compose a letter to a friend
trying to suppress the stressful whispers
time makes me anxious

the rain beats steadily
on the open-beam ceiling
sitting quietly
with a cup of hot tea
one cat in my lap
another by my side
just this
just be thankful for the moment
...all i have

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God is not a man, that He should lie,
nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.
Does He speak and then not act?
Does He promise and not fulfill?
— Numbers 23:19