

Chilled gusts
Rebounding off the rocky wall
Envelop me
Sending the salt of timeless oceans
Tingling over tightened skin
The tides of hearts desire
Crash upon the shores of circumstance.

I am

Standing at the precipice
That divides
All that is
From all that might be ...

I do not know if I have wings.

Were I to spread my arms and leap into the sky,
Would I fall, or, God permit, I fly?

I do not know what lies beyond the ocean blue
Or if to try would be the gravest err
My heart alone says "go", and yet I wish I knew,
In going what I might find waiting there.

And indecision hovers like a gull
That beats its wings forever 'gainst the wall.

Chilled gusts
Rebounding off the rocky wall
Remind me
Land is where I ought to be
Standing upon a firm establishment
(Looking out over waters I shall never know)
Watching the sun set over a horizon of maybe's

I am

Standing at the precipice
That divides
All that is
From all that might be ...

I do not know if I have wings.

And yet, with trembling knees of hope and fear,
I set one foot upon the ledge,
I close my eyes and, whispering a prayer,
With the other foot step o'er the edge

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I begin to think
that patience must be among the highest of virtues,
because it seems that so much of it is required of us.