Unto the Populace of Fair Caid


Unto the populace of fair Caid
Here, at this tournament for crown, I plead
And pray that these few humble words ye'll heed.

Behold, a great a wondrous time has come
Wherein all eyes are fixt upon the throne:
The trumpets' cry, the sounding of the drum
All hail this blest event which now is showne —
The heir unto our king will soon be knowne!
Yet mixt with joy on this occasion fair
Ye'll hear, from some, an apprehensive tone;
For soon will be a king who now is heir,
Whose reign for good or ill his subjects yet must bear.

And hope we all our king will be upright —
Courageous, true, and chivalrous of heart!
Yet history, we know, describes our plight:
The best of kings, when summond to depart,
Have left the land with heirs of lesser art
To govern faithfully with justice sound.
Thus Time this lesson clearly must impart:
That when a man of base demeanor's crownd,
The people inward groan, and miseries abound.

Yet lose not faith, for one thing we're assurd
By that great gift we jealously retain
Of reading for ourselves God's holy word.
His scriptures, trustworthy and true, explain:
Nor chance nor fate determines who will reign.
Within His book we have this guarantee:
None comes to powr that God does not ordain.
On earth ye'll find there's no authority
But that which has been set by God's divine decree.

Look then unto God's people chosn of old,
So blest to be as countless as the sand
And welcoméd within His sacred fold:
For many had rejected His command,
And brought unrighteousness into the land.
Despite God's word, the people yet rebel,
And scorn the blessings He for them had plannd.
By stubbornness, their God they thus compel
To hand them over to a ruler cruel and fell.

Therefore, conduct yourselves with holy fear
And reverence to God, the which you owe;
Speak honestly to all, with conscience clear;
Treat justly both your neighbor and your foe.
Make generosity to overflow
To every wight with need of any thing —
Then, pray that God above will mercy show
Unto our land, and His sweet blessing bring,
To grant that we might serve a wise and gracious king.

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What an excellent read, on this election day 2012. May God bless us with His grace
Posted by Brother Fox on Tuesday, November 6, 2012
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.
— Ephesians 4:30