The Carolingian Realm

this same routine:
faces unlooked at,
papers and words,
business and business
same stillness
still sameness
ordinary accustomed-to days
walking through shades of gray
surface smile without feeling
indifferent nod
and the highlight of the week:
someone brought bagels
what made you open the door?
had you any idea what lay beyond?
was there any hint, any clue?
walking by this door each day, unseeing
past this door,
plain and unassuming though it might appear,
one day
something caught your attention:
a spark, a glimmer perhaps,
through the keyhole, round the edges, or
shining upon the floor;
or was it
mysterious runes
faintly carved upon the frame?
something out-of-the-ordinary
something not of this world
(in mundo sed non de mundo)
— but you'd not have known that yet.
maybe you were just intrigued, curious.
and so you lay your hand upon the door,
pushing gently,
and found it unlocked.
stepping o'er the threshold
a cool breeze greets your face,
fresh and clear in the afternoon sun;
red cliffs rise on either side of you,
as you make your way beneath the trees.
the songs of birds mask
an hidden excitement,
as the ground drops away before you
to a vast, lush river valley,
waterfalls rushing down from dazzling heights:
a shadow crosses overhead, you gaze upward
there you saw it, and your heart leaped
these magnificent wings
a burst of flame curls through the air;
astonished, before you could even think to hide,
emerald eyes lock upon you
and circling, it descends.
emerald scales flecked with sapphire and amethyst
shining gold beneath
feathered wings in brilliant colors
it lands before you, tossing its head
with wisps of yellow smoke
whose surprising fragrance
whose fragrance
like exotic incense
beckons to an hidden longing within your soul
deep and long forgotten
the ache, oh the ache of which
through every cell crying out
robs you of your strength
steals your breath away
and drops you
to your knees
oh sweet, sweet longing
when you open your eyes
the dragon remains, waiting
its crystal eyes seem to sparkle an invitation
weak and out of breath
scarcely daring to think
you climb upon its back
at once it takes two powerful strides
and leaps o'er the cliff
beating magnificent wings
soaring on the wind
it climbs into the heavens
sharply ascending
you close your eyes
filled with an inexpressible, unimaginable joy
tears upon your face
sweet freedom
you look, and for an instant
you could swear that you saw heaven open
your stomach lurches
as the dragon suddenly plunges into a dive
wind roaring in your face
your heart races in terror
eyes wide, death grip
hurtling toward the earth
abruptly it pulls up toward the cliff
diving beneath a waterfall
you cling to its back
as cold pounding drenches your head, shoulders, back
then out again into sparkling sunshine
droplets flying
the dragon surges upward with a burst of flame
like unrestrained laughter
sharp banks, steep climbs, chilling descents
wind in your face
cold sweat and white knuckles
joy and terror
earth far below
dragon feathers whispering through the air
you ride, you fly, you soar
then spiraling downward to the valley floor
it lands
softly, softly
in a garden green
not daring to move
not daring to breathe
you look up
the beast waits quietly.
knees shaking
you slide off its back
into the soft grass;
it turns its head
and seemed to flash
a cunning smile with its eyes
before taking to the skies once again
a soft, inviting patch of green
catches your eye
soft grass beneath a shade tree
you cast yourself upon its mercy
lean your back against the trunk
close your eyes
and breathe
— just breathe —