Prayer for the Church

Sunday, November 3, 2024

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Lord, let there be unity within your Church.

Let your people be filled with the love of Christ in all humility and meekness.
Cleanse us of all pride, self-righteousness, stubbornness, judgment and divisiveness.
May our differences in understanding and expression of worship always be subordinate to our love for you and for one another.
Help us to be gracious and patient with one another, particularly in our differences and differing levels of maturity and understanding.
Knit us together in the perfect unity and fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

At the same time, please cleanse your Church of all error and idolatry through the conviction and correction of the Holy Spirit.
May the structures, institutions and traditions of the Church not be so rigid as to resist your guiding hand.
Cleanse your Church of any and all teachings, doctrines or traditions that would hinder your children from drawing near to you and experiencing your tender, intimate love.
Grant the leaders of your Church wisdom, understanding and humility, purify them from all sin, and may they always be deeply filled with the love and compassion of Christ. Remove those who are corrupt and counterfeit, who masquerade as servants of God, but whose hearts belong to the evil one.

Cleanse your children of all sin, impurity and compromise with the world.
Cleanse us from all pride, selfishness, willfulness, idolatry, materialism, and immorality.
Give us discernment to recognize and reject the lies, evils and impurities of the world and to hold fast to what is true and wholesome.
Cleanse us of our attachment to the things of this world, and help us to follow your example of selfless, sacrificial love.

Let your people shine brightly with the light of love, truth, and goodness so that all the world might behold your glory.
May we continually exhibit your love, mercy, and compassion to those around us, and always be ready and unafraid to share the truth of the gospel.
May we be the salt and light that you have called us to be, that through us, godliness and righteousness may become the dominant influences in our society and in our world.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Watercolor by Gilbert A. Lozano.
Used with permission.

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— John 14:15