Prayer to the Transcendental, Triune God

Monday, June 3, 2024
A prayer of worship founded on the classical transcendental values of truth, goodness, and beauty: a triad of virtues mirroring the Triune God.

Holy Triune God,
Source of every virtue,
You are worthy of all worship, honor and praise.

You are Truth;
You define what is real.
You've given us the intellectual faculty of reason
that we might know You,
the only wise God.

By Your grace, Lord,
open Your Word to me,
and help me to know You.

Holy Triune God,
Source of every virtue,
You are worthy of all worship, honor and praise.

You are Goodness;
You define what is right.
You've given us the moral faculty of will
that we might choose You,
our just and righteous Lord.

By Your grace, Lord,
help me choose to believe You, to trust You,
to obey You, and to follow You.

Holy Triune God,
Source of every virtue,
You are worthy of all worship, honor and praise.

You are Beauty;
You define what is lovely.
You've given us the aesthetic faculty of emotion
that we might love You,
our glorious, radiant King.

By Your grace, Lord,
help me to love you above all other loves,
with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.

Holy Triune God,
Source of every virtue,
You are worthy of all worship, honor and praise.

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Behold!  The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
— John 1:29