Almighty God: A Contemplative Prayer

Sunday, June 2, 2024

If you are unfamiliar with contemplative prayer, begin by finding a quiet place free from distractions. Position yourself so that you are comfortable and relaxed. As you pray each line or group of lines, take time to savor the meaning of the words. Allow yourself to envision whatever images they evoke, and to reflect on whatever scriptures or ideas they call to mind. Have the freedom to interject songs of worship, or a periodic refrain, such as, “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.” Be mindful of your own personal, intimate connection to God. Imagine yourself in His presence. Let your spirit breathe in and dwell upon the attributes and character of God, and let your heart radiate back to Him your adoration, gratitude, and love.

The prayer is structured as an acrostic. In the main body of the prayer, each line or group of lines features a successive letter of the Lozark alphabet. The concluding section then walks through the diphthongs and vowel-R combinations.

AlmYtI gAd
Almighty God
AbA fATir
Abba, Father
alfo and OmEgo
Alpha and Omega
EnSent ov dEz
Ancient of Days
Enjelz odOr TI
angels adore Thee
byUtifol brYdgrUm
Beautiful Bridegroom
bOrn in beHlehem
born in Bethlehem
crYst AUr kiN
Christ our King
clOTd in compaSon
clothed in compassion
crIEtir ov Al
Creator of all
crUsifYd An To crAs
crucified on the cross
CIf cOrnirstOn
Chief cornerstone
An wiC hI bilds hiz CirC
on which He builds His Church
dIlivirir from deH
Deliverer from death
defendir ov To wIk
defender of the weak
from evirlastiN
from everlasting
tO evirlastiN
to everlasting
fEHfol fATir
Faithful Father
AUr firm fAUndESon
our firm foundation
gAd ov glOrI and grEs
God of glory and grace
grEt iz TY fEHfolnes
great is Thy faithfulness
hOlI hOlI lOrd mOst hY
Holy, holy, Lord most high
hIlir ov mY hArt
Healer of my heart
AUr hOp ov heven
our hope of Heaven
ItirnolI existent
eternally existent
wiHAUt Iqol
without equal
imOrtol wird incArnot
Immortal Word incarnate
imoj ov TI invizibol gAd
image of the invisible God
YzEo onAUnst TYn advent
Isaiah announced Thine advent
jIzos crYst
Jesus Christ
jOI ov To rYCos
joy of the righteous
kiN ov kiNz and
King of kings, and
lOrd ov lOrdz
Lord of lords
lam ov gAd
Lamb of God
lYt ov To wirld
Light of the World
lovir ov mY sOl
lover of my soul
mirsifol mesYo
Merciful Messiah
mojestic and mYtI
majestic and mighty
nEm obov Al nEmz
Name above all names
siN tU him
Sing to Him
sANz ov prEz
songs of praise!
ObIdIent ontU deH
Obedient unto death
prins ov pIs
Prince of Peace
To pirl ov grEt prYs
the pearl of great price
pyUr and pirfect
pure and perfect
prOvYdir and prOtectir
provider and protector
To qYet stil vOIs
the quiet, still voice
rEdIant rIdImir
Radiant Redeemer
resplendent in rYCosnes
resplendent in righteousness
sEvyir ov sinirs
Savior of sinners
soblYm sAvren
Sublime Sovereign
To gud Sepird
the Good Shepherd
AUr SIld and defendir
our shield and defender
Seltir in To stOrm
shelter in the storm
Itirnol trUH
eternal Truth
in hUm wI plEs
in whom we place
AUr tOtol trost
our total trust
HaNx bI tU gAd
Thanks be to God
HrU crYst AUr lOrd
through Christ our Lord
fOr TAU Art wirTI
for Thou art worthy
TYn iz To kiNdom
Thine is the kingdom
To yUnivirs declerz TY glOrI
The universe declares Thy glory
oncondiSonol onfEliN lov
unconditional, unfailing love
TI oltimot gudnes and virCU
the ultimate goodness and virtue
victOrIos Ovir deH
victorious over death
liviN wird
living Word
wirTI ov Al wirSip
worthy of all worship
exAlt hiz nEm
Exalt His name
extOl him fOrevir
extol him forever!
yeSUo hAmASIAch
Yeshua Hamashiach
zYAnz kiN
Zion's king
imeZirobol treZir
immeasurable treasure
hI pOrz AUt An os
He pours out on us
To OIl ov jOI
the oil of joy
hOldiN os in hiz Armz ov lov
holding us in His arms of love
wer enemI arOz canAt riC
where enemy arrows cannot reach
mOr vYtol Tan TI er wI brIT
More vital than the air we breathe
hU haz Irz tU hIr
Who has ears to hear
let him hIr
let him hear
let Al TI irH rIjOIs
Let all the earth rejoice!
hU OrdEnd To son and mUn
Who ordained the sun and moon
and Al To stArI hOst
and all the starry host
tU To pyUr and hOlI won
to the pure and holy one
hU SOz mirsI tU To pUr
who shows mercy to the poor
bI Al glOrI Anir and prEz
be all glory, honor and praise
nAU and fOrevirmOr
now and forevermore.
halElUyo and Emen
Hallelujah and amen.

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You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.
— Isaiah 26:3