Almighty God: A Contemplative Prayer

If you are unfamiliar with contemplative prayer, begin by finding a quiet place free from distractions. Position yourself so that you are comfortable and relaxed. As you pray each line or group of lines, take time to savor the meaning of the words. Allow yourself to envision whatever images they evoke, and to reflect on whatever scriptures or ideas they call to mind. Have the freedom to interject songs of worship, or a periodic refrain, such as, “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.” Be mindful of your own personal, intimate connection to God. Imagine yourself in His presence. Let your spirit breathe in and dwell upon the attributes and character of God, and let your heart radiate back to Him your adoration, gratitude, and love.
The prayer is structured as an acrostic. In the main body of the prayer, each line or group of lines features a successive letter of the Lozark alphabet. The concluding section then walks through the diphthongs and vowel-R combinations.