Making a Killing

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Unplanned was released this weekend (movie trailer).  It's the true story of Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic near Houston, Texas, who went on to found an organization called And Then There Were None, which helps to assist abortion clinic workers who are transitioning out of the industry.

In this interview with Glenn Beck, Abby discloses some of the shocking details of how Planned Parenthood runs their multi-billion-dollar industry predicated on the slaughter of innocent children in the womb.

Here are some highlights of the interview:

Setup For Failure



That’s abortion, it’s a business.  Planned Parenthood’s done a really good job, and the abortion, the abortion buiness in general, has done a really good job of convincing people that, you know, abortion is just this unfortunate decision that women sometimes have to make.  So if they’re gonna make it, better that they make it in a “safe”, quote-unquote, clinic.

They don’t talk about how they are actually selling patients on abortion.  That... look, that's the whole purpose of Planned Parenthood being in our public school system.  It’s not to provide... it’s not really to provide sex education to our kids.  The purpose of them being in the public school system, and in some private school systems, is so that they can develop a relationship with your child, starting in kindergarten.  When your child gets old enough, and they start going through puberty, and they start having questions about sex, the educators are there to say — and, I know they say this, because I was an educator and I said this — “You can’t go to your parents about how you’re feeling right now.  They won’t understand....”


Oh my gosh!


“...They don’t know what you’re going through, but you can come to me, because I’ve known you since you were five. I’ve known you since you were in kindergarten.  You can trust me.”  And then the goal is we get these girls into our clinics, and by the time they're 11-, 12-, 13-years old, we have them on a birth control method.

Like I said, I'm 38.  If you told me, “Abby, you have to take a pill at the same time every day within two hours in order for this thing to be effective,” I would fail.  So if you’re asking a 12-year-old to do that, she is, of course...!  I mean, you’re setting her up for failure.  But that’s the point.  They’re putting her on a method that has a high human error rate, and they know that.  Planned Parenthood’s own statistics state that 54% of women who have abortions were using contraception at the time they got pregnant.  That’s the whole point!  Put them on a method that has a high human error rate, these girls will fail; hopefully, before they graduate high school, they will be in to our clinics for their first abortion.  And by the way, they don’t have to tell their parents that they’re having an abortion.



And then, by the time they get to college... which again, they have the abortion, we send them out with yet another pack of birth control pills, that we know will eventually fail them, or they will fail taking the pill, and by the time they’re in college, they’ll come back for their second abortion.  If we’re lucky, by the time this woman is 30, she will have had three abortions.

Selling Slaughter



Do you... were there meetings, do you talk like this in those meetings?  “If we’re lucky they’ll have three abortions”?


Sure.  Yeah.  That’s their revenue-generating model.  We were taught to turn every client visit into a revenue-generating visit.  The only way you can do that, and this was very clearly expressed in management meetings, the only way you can do that is to sell this woman on an abortion if she’s pregnant, because Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide prenatal care.  We can’t help her if she wants to continue her pregnancy.  It’s not like we get kickbacks off of adoption.  So if she comes in and she’s pregnant, it is our job to sell her an abortion.  And, they train us then on how to sell that abortion to her.


This makes it sound like... I mean, that is not the image of Planned Parenthood.  The image is, “We are just here to provide all kinds of services, and that just happens to be one.  And if somebody comes in and needs it...”  You’re... you’re... you are describing a scene that is much more like, I don’t know, like a car salesman.  “What do I need to do to get you into this abortion today?  Let me go talk to the manager,” kind of stuff.


That's exactly how it is.

A Script for Everything



So, we had trainings on how to overcome objections.  So, particularly, religious objections.


Like what?


So, women would come in... about 60% of women who have abortions identify as Christian.  So, many of the women who would come in would say, “I just don’t know if God can forgive me if I do this.  I don’t know if this is a sin.”  That was a very common thing that we heard.

So we were trained then, through scripts, to talk to them, talk through that objection.  So we would say to them, “Well, but don’t you believe in a forgiving God?  Don’t you believe that God understands your circumstances right now?  He knows everything about you, and he understands that you’re not in a position right now to be a mother.”  So it’s this idea of presumptive forgiveness that we are pushing on these religious women who are coming in to have abortions.

I mean, we had scripts for everything.  If a woman came in and, let’s say we did her ultrasound, and we’re gonna charge her $150 for that ultrasound, and then she’s like, “Well, I don’t know, I don’t know, maybe...”  Then we would say to her, “Well, if you go ahead and schedule your abortion appointment today, I’m authorized to take that $150 off of the cost of your abortion, but you have to schedule the appointment today.  Is there any reason we shouldn’t just go ahead and get that scheduled?”

I mean, you are literally taught how to overcome the objections that women coming in might have for you.

A Woman’s Safety Isn’t Worth Three Minutes



So, patient comes in, she’s in the back room, she goes to... signs all the consents, goes in the procedure room, doctor begins the procedure... well, we do an ultrasound.  But we only did an ultrasound to determine how far along she was in her pregnancy, so that we would know exactly how much to charge her for the abortion.  The ultrasound is rolled away, and then the doc...


Mom never sees it.


No, no, no.  No, you don't give her the option.  You don’t tell her you're doing it or anything.  She’s sedated, immediately.  For that reason.


For that reason.


Yes.  Um, doctor comes in, begins artificially dilating the cervix, so what you hope naturally happens during childbirth, he’s going to artificially make that happen.  Then, he inserts a canula, looks like a straw, it’s graduated, gets bigger depending on how far along she is in the pregnancy, primarily because the head is bigger the further along she is in her pregnancy, and he inserts that into her uterus and just blindly pokes around in the woman’s uterus.


Which would be more safe if they were still doing ultrasound at the time, right?




And they choose not to do that?


They do not.  Now I asked my supervisor, if using an ultrasound is safer for the patient, why isn’t this the standard procedure?  I was told that it is safer, but using an ultrasound during the abortion takes up an extra three minutes of time.  And we...


This is a factory floor!


Sure.  I mean, when we were performing abortions, we were doing anywhere between, I don’t know, 30 to 50 a day.


Oh my gosh!


So if you are adding three minutes of time per patient, that’s just additional time for your physician.  And so he’s performing this abortion, he can't actually see what’s happening inside the woman’s uterus, so it’s no wonder that we see such a high complication rate with uterine perforation, where the doctor pokes a hole through the woman’s uterus, because he can’t see when to stop.  He can’t see where the end of that uterus is.

Selling Baby Parts is Highly Lucrative



There was a story, extensive... that they were, that Planned Parenthood wasn’t incinerating, they were selling body parts.  Did you know about that?


Yeah, we did that.  We did that at my affiliate.  It’s very lucrative for the affiliate.  So, conservatively, we were probably making about $2.5 million a year on that transaction alone.  (That’s just from one clinic!)

* * *

Too much of what Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry does is hidden behind media, marketing, and propaganda.  But make no mistake, killing babies and selling their dismembered bodies is big business.  And it’s one that needs to stop.

Unplanned is an excellent film, telling Abby’s story, including how she got involved with Planned Parenthood, and how and why she got out.  I highly recommend it to anyone old enough to date.

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