Checkbook Cover
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I needed a checkbook cover, and thought that would be a perfect excuse for some crazy-quilting! Before starting my project, I decided that I did not want to purchase any materials, but would only use what I had on hand. I happened to be putting away some laundry, and came across a pair of jeans that were ripped and worn, and I wound up using the denim as the foundation fabric. I liked the weight and feel of it. The middle, tan section is kind of a suede fabric, so that has a nice feel to it as well.
It's a checkbook cover, but you could easily make one like it as a glasses case.
Posted by Carolyn on Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Wow that really works well multi-pal patterns then stitched in texture I love it.
Is it a case for glass's?
Posted by Chris on Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Love strengthens a person;
grief weakens him.
grief weakens him.