Handmade Journal

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

While Koenscherzo turned out very nice, I have to say, this handmade journal is my finest bookbinding project to date.

This book was created as a gift, inspired by the following Facebook challenge/invitation:

Pay it forward 2011.  I promise to send (or deliver) something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment.  They must in turn post this and send something they made to the first 5 people who comment on their status.  The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011.  You don't get to specify what I send you.  :)

The cover is made of a beautiful brocade fabric with brilliant silver and blue metallic threads; the spine is of a plush suede.

The enpapers are a light blue floral print.

The journal is 200 pages.  There is a verse of scripture at the bottom of each page.  The interior pages were printed on a nice cream-colored paper.

All sections were stitched together by hand, and the binding was finished with headbands.

I also made a matching bookmarker.

I really stepped up my game on this project.  I got some new tools: a good sturdy wood clamp, a planar for trimming the uneven pages, hide glue for the cover, and a hot pot to keep the glue at the right temperature.  I'm quite pleased with the results.  Hopefully the recipient will be, too!

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Beautiful work
Posted by Susan on Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Your books are lovely, well done. x
Posted by Cowrol on Saturday, October 29, 2011
It's quite beautiful, you did a fine job.
Posted by Thomas on Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Go fall in love then.  Do something heroic... Live with courage.
— John Eldredge
Waking the Dead