Japanese Rune Cards: The Elements

Monday, September 6, 2010

For quite some time I've wanted to create various sets of rune cards, and I finally completed the first set:  “The Elements”.  There are 9 cards in this set:  Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Wood, Stone, Metal, Light and Darkness.  All of these are painted on Artist Trading Cards, 3˝" x 2˝", with watercolor, gouache, ink, and on the “Metal” card, liquid leaf.

Japanese Rune Card: Earth

Japanese Rune Card: Air

Japanese Rune Card: Fire

Japanese Rune Card: Water

Japanese Rune Card: Wood

Japanese Rune Card: Stone

Japanese Rune Card: Metal

Japanese Rune Card: Light

Japanese Rune Card: Darkness

You might be wondering why I chose these particular elements.  First of all, we have the 4 traditional Greek elements:  Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.  The Chinese omit Air and include Wood and Metal.  I combined these two sets, and figured that if we're going to have Earth, Wood, and Metal, we should have Stone, too.  And, coming from a gaming background, I threw Light and Darkness in there for good measure.  Anyone who has ever had to do battle against a Shade will understand completely.

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Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.
— John 5:24